(http://upic.me/i/j7/u-white.png) (http://upic.me/show/53073178)
(http://upic.me/i/3u/star-01-june.gif) (http://upic.me/show/53069310)This microcar had been designed almost 40 years ago,and still hope some investor or some automaker to produce this outstandind little model for most people all over the world.
(http://upic.me/i/3u/star-01-june.gif) (http://upic.me/show/53069310)This 2 seats microcar has its own suspension system (All semi independent rigid axles with adjustable 2ply parallel leaf springs) and twin cylinders 4stroke 650cc. Gasoline engine in front, reardrive, 4 automatic transmission, over all width and height 1400 mm. full length 2300 mm., weight lesser than 600 kg.,14 inches wheel 175-65 tubeless which is a marketfull standard size and big enough to protect this micro body from all round impact.
(http://upic.me/i/3u/star-01-june.gif) (http://upic.me/show/53069310)Any auto maker or auto investor can take it now at US$ 200,000,for further details of drawings disclosure,please contact directly to the owner below.
--->>>Design&details by Mr.Uvachon Omas
Micro Car, Auto Investor, ขายรถไมโครคาร์